Is your furry four-legged friend looking at you with his beautiful eyes and tail wagging nervously hoping that you will not leave for the day or for the hour to go shopping?
Or does your favorite little friend have just a tad bit more energy and you are nervous as to what you will find upon your return home?
Mission & Vision
Give your pet a gift of love. Allegro Paws: Classical Music Therapy Albums for Pets™ by Kadoro Klassics, LLC, is a collection of classical music albums designed to help relax and reduce the anxiety level of pets that may suffer from stress related to separation anxiety, environmental anxiety, and many other external anxieties. This collection of music therapy albums can gently calm and relax your favorite four-legged friends. Your pet will feel happy and loved and you will feel assured of their comfort.

How do you know when your pet may be feeling a little more stressed?
Does your pet tear up your shoe when you are away? Or do you find papers and tissues and socks scattered on the floor? Your pet may be suffering with anxieties of being home alone or by distracting noises in the home environment. A simple sound to us will ring much louder to dogs. Dogs are able to hear sounds on a much wider range which at times can be very upsetting. My dog ran under the bed each time he heard thunder or firecrackers.
Where are pets when they may experience additional stress?
Challenging environments such as kennels, Pet Day Care, Rescue, grooming centers, veterinarian offices, pet hotels or in obedience training schools, can be stressful for your pet. Our therapy albums will help bring calm to most challenging environments.

Allegro Paws Albums:
This Months’ Funniest Video
This Months’ Cutest Photo

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